Manage Booking

Fare rules

Fare Rules

Depending our the fare type and the airline, you may request to cancel or change your current ticket to other travel date or flight title with same ticket class or higher classes (not allowed downing grade to lower classes) and charges (change/refund fee + different fee between two flights - if available) should be applied. Different ticket classes and different flight types (domestic and international) for each airline will have different cancellation fee and change fee as follows.

Note: In cases of force majeure problems such as natural disasters, epidemics/pandemics etc., the below fare rules (refund/reschedule/reroute) may not be applied and must comply with the policy of each Airline during that period.

1.    Name change: Not permitted. Please go to refund process instead.

2.    Misspelling name: Must be the same person and apply the same fee as refund for promotional fares and nonrefundable fares - apply refund fee of refundable fare in the same sector.

3.    Depending our the fare type, you may request to cancel or change your current ticket to other travel date or flight title with same ticket class or higher classes (not allowed downing grade to lower classes) and charges (change/refund fee + different fee between two flights - if available) should be applied:


1. Change:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- On/after departure date: Not permitted

- Charge difference in fare, if any

2. Refund:

- Before departure date: Not permitted

- On/after departure date: Not permitted

3. Service: Economy Class

4. Now-show:

- The no-show fee is 50% of the fare


1. Change:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- On/after departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- Charge difference in fare, if any

2. Refund:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee

- On/after departure date: Not permitted.

3. Service: Economy Class

4. Now-show:

- The no-show fee is 50% of the fare.


1. Change:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- On/after departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- Charge difference in fare, if any

2. Refund:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee

- On/after departure date: Permitted with a fee

3. Service: Economy Class

4. Now-show:

- The no-show fee is 50% of the fare.


1. Change:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- On/after departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- Charge difference in fare, if any

2. Refund:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee

- On/after departure date: Permitted with a fee

3. Service: Economy Class

4. Now-show:

- The no-show fee is 50% of the fare.


1. Change:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- On/after departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- Charge difference in fare, if any

2. Refund:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee

- On/after departure date: Permitted with a fee

3. Service: Business Class

4. Now-show:

- The no-show fee is 50% of the fare.


1. Change:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- On/after departure date: Permitted with a fee.

- Charge difference in fare, if any

2. Refund:

- Before departure date: Permitted with a fee

- On/after departure date: Permitted with a fee

3. Service: Business Class

4. Now-show:

- The no-show fee is 50% of the fare.


Change fee:

- Change fee is not permitted to refund.

- Change fee rate depending on the route and different fee between original booking and new booking, please contact us via website or email support 24/7: for support on change procedure and fee.

- Multiple change fees: Highest change fee of all change fare component applied.


- The cancellation fee depending on the route, please contact us via website or email support 24/7: for support on cancellation fee.

- We support passengers to cancel their tickets right after issuance with charges (advised on request) and conditions applied (ticket cancellation request should be sent to us within the issued date and before 23:00 PM following Thailand Time).


- Permitted with most restricted condition applied

- Combination fare between promotion and other classes will not be permitted for cancellation or refund


- Ticketing fee, Taxes and Airport fee is not refundable for promotion class.

- Ticket transferred to other passenger: Not permitted.

- Combination fare between Web promotion and other classes will not be permitted for cancellation or refund.

Specific fare rules may vary and different from the general fare rules and should be provided on request by contact us through 24/7 supporting email:

Sincerely thanks for choosing our service!